Jus' Blogging

Privacy. It’s a big deal.

Monetizing our private information is the primary, if not sole strategy of many large corporations that provide ‘information services for free’. facebook, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and too-many-to-list companies are constantly tracking, compiling and collating everything they know about us. So that in fact, they probably know more than anyone about you as an indivudal. And they rent or sell this information to, well, anyone with a credit card.

If you participate in the modern digital world, it’s not easy to eliminate all of those monetizing services. But there are some things you can do to reclaim some of your privacy. This site has been set-up by me so I can provide some insights to my (continuing) journey to self-host services I like to use, and which helps me reclaim some of my privacy.

By Andrew Wilson

Twitter @OGSelfHosting

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